Friday, May 15, 2009


TOO many of the moms at my kids school were talking NON-stop about the Twilight series: "It sucks you in!", "You can't stop!", "It's an addiction!!", so I decided to go to Target and get the book. I was slightly reluctant because I have mild case of dyslexia and reading is...well...not easy, and I hadn't read a novel since college. A day later the novel was devoured, and I was back to Target to get the next book in the series.

So as many artists do, they create from inspiration. I'm introducing BREAK DAWNING a vampire inspired necklace in brass, copper and a vintage red marble shank button.

Because I've been seduced by the Twilight series, I need MORE information about my new Twilight pals. Frequently, I go to one of my favorite blogs appropriately called, Laruen's Bite! Her style of writing is fun, informative and humorous and you just keep coming back for more! Check her out for the latest and most up-to-date news on our Vamp and Wolf family.


  1. I'm ashamed to say that I am a Twilight "victim" as well. My daughter begged me to read the series (we already had the books). Yep, you read one and you're hooked. What's not to love? I actually was sad when the last was finished. Oh yeah, victim here.

  2. Me, too! I just started the series last week. Due to amazing busyness & self restraint, I finished the book last night (instead of finishing it in one sitting!). I'm so excited to see what will happen next! I understand wanting to make something Twilight related...I'm seeing vamp Chickenpants in my own future. ^-^

  3. Haven't fallen victim to Twilight myself, but my daughter sure has. She will love this necklace, even though it might be a little grown up for her. And she will love love love the blog you linked to. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I have also succumbed!! Oh dear god - I even bought the hardcover set on Amazon - only $45 right now though!

  5. I haven't read any of the series yet but with all the talk about it I may just have to pick up one...Just what I need another thing to get addicted too:) (Smirk oon face...)

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog. This necklace is absolutely stunning! I haven't read the books yet. :-)

  7. When I picked the book at first, it's like 'How can I...?' Because I'm in my mid-30s. But I realized soon it's fantastic.
    Yeah, so beautiful book. And your vampire inspired necklace is awesome.
